can we keep religious beliefs out of irc please?

From: Rui Miguel Seabra (
Date: Sun Aug 11 2002 - 12:54:26 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "Re: can we keep religious beliefs out of irc please?"

    Topic for #abiword is Pope to give first sermon on IRC - Tune into tonight 7 p.m. GMT | Diet Coke is for sissies

    Religious beliefs are the cause for millions of deaths along the history
    of human kind.

    Today, still a lot of people kill and destroy in name of this god or
    that one, and that plays a huge part of the reasons I'm quite agnostic
    (but not arrogant enough to be atheistic).

    The christian church, for one hand, has enough propaganda already.

    Meanwhile, there is channel #abiwordprocessor where the topic is:
      Welcome to AbiWord | alternate channel for the non religious folk

    TIA, rms

    ps: I wouldn't have minded if it was something like:
    Topic for #abiword is Christian Pope to give first sermon on IRC - Check for more info | Diet Coke is for sissies

    Because _that_ would be news, instead of religious propaganda, even if
    off-topic and not particularly funny (unlike the diet coke remark ;)).

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