feasible smart quote solution

From: Tomas Frydrych (tomas@frydrych.uklinux.net)
Date: Wed Aug 14 2002 - 13:24:25 EDT

  • Next message: Karl Ove Hufthammer: "Re: feasible smart quote solution"

    I had an idea about the smart quotes. The smartquote problem is
    algorithmically identical to the shaping of Arabic glyphs.
    Consequently the internal shaper (in HEAD) could be used to shape
    quotes on the fly for the screen/printer without changing the actual
    character in the document. Further, with very little extra effort, the
    quote translation could be locale- specific, so that, for instance, in
    Czech the opening quote would placed below the base line.

    There are only two small problems with this: (a) the exporters to
    formats in which smart quotes make sense would need to use the
    shaping engine to get the correct version into the document; this
    would be very simple. (b) mechanism is needed for allowing the user
    to force the basic quote shape. If the user never wanted this
    behaviour, they would just turn smart quotes off, there is preference
    of that. The way I though it could be handled in isolated cases is to
    tie a zero-width-non-breaking space to some key, say alt+spacebar,
    and the user could surround such a quote with these spaces, thus
    making it into stand alone one (== the basic form). I think that this is
    entirely adequate, for the need to do this will be extremely rare
    (remember, we do not change the quote code in the document).

    Any comments?


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