[OT] Mailing list Reply-To (was Re: Fwd: Re: Bugzilla Voting Problem?)

From: Randy Kramer (rhkramer@fast.net)
Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 09:28:32 EST

  • Next message: Rui Miguel Seabra: "Re: [OT] Mailing list Reply-To (was Re: Fwd: Re: Bugzilla Voting Problem?)"

    I just want to be on record as saying I disagree with what's written in
    the FAQ, specifically this:

     Why not set the Reply-To: to automatically go to the mailing list?

    If the Reply-To address is automatically set to go to the mailing list
    there is a risk that people will accidentally send mail to the many
    many people subscribed to the list, the alternative may mildly
    inconvient to some but it is the right thing to do and is the best
    anwser for the most people. Some of the more advanced email clients
    have features that allow you to indicate that certain email address are
    mailing lists and your email program will automatically change the
    address so that Reply-To will go to the list.

    Clearly, I'll abide by it (what choice to I have ;-) ), and won't make
    an extensive argument if it is truly the consensus of the leadership of
    this project, but I do think it's totally wrong:

       * A mailing list is a place for "public" participation /
    collaboration -- by default your replies should be to the "public".
    (You chose to join the list -- no one forced you.)

       * Three recent posts were sent to someone privately affecting a
    subject I brought up on the public forum. It wasn't until I forwarded
    one of those private replies back to the list that the right person
    (Hub -- who knew how to solve the problem) realized the problem and
    addressed it (voting was not enabled for "AbiWord" future).

       * More generally, when someone doesn't want something to go to the
    list, I may become suspicious of their motives. Are those replies
    confidential?? On an open source project?? Are they criticisms that
    are best done in private??

    Aside: I think that off-list criticism sometimes is appropriate to a
    certain extent, but if, for example some undesired behavior is
    mentioned on the list but only criticised off list, a perception can
    arise that the undesired behavior is acceptable. Maybe that means in
    some cases that if a behavior is criticised off list, a post should be
    made to the list something of the nature "I responded to Mr. _______
    off list to explain that his suggestion is not the kind of thing we
    want to encourage on this project".

    Aside: I guess there is room for confidentiality on an open source
    project -- I think it should be the rare exception rather than the
    rule, and people that want it kept confidential should be responsible
    to keep it confidential -- I know there is one open source project that
    I won't remember (don't even remember what the product category is)
    where the product is dual licensed and sold under one name and open
    sourced under another name with the intention of keeping many of the
    purchasers unaware that the product is available for free as open
    source. (It's not as underhanded as I've made it sound -- the concern
    is that a certain class of customer does not trust open source, so they
    are happier kept unaware. (I learned this from a post on the os-bus
    mail list (IIRC), and no one raised an outcry that this was in any
    sense a violation of open source policy or ethics.))

    Anyway, one of my Wish List items is to create (or find, or modify) an
    email client where I control what reply to does -- one that I can set
    to reply to the list regardless of the list settings. (I suppose there
    can be some problems -- for lists that do that by default, I'll have to
    set it differently so duplicates are not created.)

    Randy Kramer

    PS: I'm certain Alan is right, this subject has been discussed before.
    Although I am not suggesting that we have another debate on the subject
    now, it certainly can be considered again some time in the future.

    On Thursday 19 December 2002 08:42 pm, Mikey wrote:
    > On Thu, 2002-12-19 at 20:17, Alan Horkan wrote:
    > > Definately Not.
    > >
    > > And i am fairly sure i explained this in the FAQ. This has been
    > > discussed several times before.
    > My bad, haven't checked the FAQs in month or two.
    > Thanks!
    > Mikey

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