localization of plugins?

From: Kenneth J. Davis (jeremyd@computer.org)
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 17:01:28 EST

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "Re: localization of plugins?"

    Does anyone (especially those familiar with our current localization work)
    have any ideas or suggestions how to implement localization of plugins?

    The strings necessarily should reside separate from AbiWord's strings, but
    should still be easy for translators to get and hopefully provide
    translations for. Should we create a plugin API for obtaining translated
    strings or should each plugin fend for itself (possibly using functions
    exported from AbiWord and possibly using their own mechanism)?

    Has anyone given this some thought?
    Bug 3203 ( http://bugzilla.abisource.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3203 ) has
    a target milestone of 2.0, but I haven't seen any discussion on the matter
    (though I could have easily missed it) so if you have any comments on the
    matter please send them to the list or add them to the above bug.

    [While I only use English, this issue may have a fundamental effect on
     all plugins, and I would like a stabilized plugin API for the 2.0 release
     so maybe others will provide plugins which will work (for more than 1 build).]

    Thank you,

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