NSIS files for plugins

Subject: NSIS files for plugins
From: Kenneth J.Davis (jeremyd@computer.org)
Date: Sun Feb 03 2002 - 16:09:31 CST

Hi all,

In attached zip file are two *.nsi files, one is a generic template for
plugins and the other is for the bz2abw plugin. Currently they expect
to be built (makensis plugin*.nsis) from the plugin directory (whereas the
abiword.nsi expects to be built in the bin directory I believe).

Anyway, please have a look and let me know if this appears ok or if
something else needs changed. It optionally creates an uninstaller and
uninstall entry and if the plugin adds new file type then can optionally
add the appropriate entry in the registry to map the extension to AbiWord.
It also has a safety check for AbiWord.exe being installed as the
plugins require it.

I discovered the reason for my earlier problems with entry point not founnd
messages. Its not compiler specific [mixing VC5 plugins & VC6 AbiWord ...],
but some of the functions (methods) have a different signature since their
arguments changed in the past day or so, so it was rightly complaining that a
given entry point wasn't found. [Basically, the plugins are/can be specific to
a particular AbiWord.exe file, depending on what imports it requires. Note: I'm
not too good with DLLs, so perhaps there are unnecessary imports
being created, as not all the plugins are so specific.] I haven't
tried them with a bidi build, so I'm not sure if it can also cause
the same problem.

I will place the bz2abw plugin with installer on my darklogic site
shortly. And after I get feedback as to correctness I will see about
updating my tinderbox client to build & package [some of] the plugins after
building the main program, so I can automatically keep updated
plugins matching whatever main binary I have for download.

Jeremy Davis

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