Re: HowTo use TTF's in gnome print? (fwd)

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 22:06:52 GMT

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    From Lauris Kaplinski, gnome-print maintainer......

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 21:34:25 +0200
    From: Lauris Kaplinski <>
    To: Martin Sevior <>
    Subject: Re: HowTo use TTF's in gnome print?


    All you need is to add TTF (has to have unicode encoding - 99.9% have,
    but I have seen some without it) into gnome-print font database.
    Now, gnome-print font bookeeping has changed a lot - basically you need
    version 0.33+, which has both TTF support and modular font database.

    Now, to add fonts to gnome-print font database, there are 2 ways:

    a) run gnome-font-install either manually or during installing
       or before starting abiword. The exact set of arguments depend on
       where and how you want to install fonts - there can be many
       fontmap files. If unsure,

       gnome-font-install --smart your_font_dir_name(s)

       will most probably do.

    b) (recommended) - if fonts are distributed as package, include
       packagename.fontmap file inside package. Unfortunately binary
       distributors seems to be reluctant to pick this method up - so
       everything relies on gnome-font-install, that has bad habit to
       crash sometimes (there have been both font installer and freetype
       bugs involved).

    OK, what is missing is really dynamic way to create temporary
    printable font out of file data - in which case abi does not have to
    bother with font installation at all. On the other hand, having
    installed font once in database, immediately gives CJK printing
    in gnumeric (verified), sodipodi (verified)...

    I do not know, which is the best way to ensure Abi/gnome-print
    font matching. Maybe to provide some perl script, that both runs
    gnome-font-install and ensures given font is listed in abi font

    Ah, font naming (if you have to match X/ft/gnome-print):

    gnome_font_new_closest needs family name exactly (case insensitive
    still) as freetype2 loads into ft_face->family_name

    gnome_font_new needs 'familyname stylename', where familyname is
    ft_face->family_name and stylename is ft_face->style_name (may
    be missing as with 'Helvetica'). It should be the same string,
    as fullname is in Type1 fonts, but unfortunately TTF spec lacks
    mandatory full name at all.

    Hope this helps. Feel free to ask more at any time.

    Best wishes,
    Lauris Kaplinski

    On Thu, 2002-02-21 at 16:45, Martin Sevior wrote:
    > HI Lauris and Chema,
    > I'd like to take advantage of gnome-print's ability to
    > print print true type fonts in abiword. Presntly our CJK users have to use
    > the GTK-only build to get stuff to print out since the CJK fonts in common
    > use are True Type fonts.
    > Can you tell me what we need to do to get True Type fonts to print in
    > abiword?
    > Thanks!
    > Martin

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