Aiksaurus Plugin

Subject: Aiksaurus Plugin
From: Jared Davis (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 16:16:53 CST


I've modified the Aiksaurus plugin to work with the new version of
AiksaurusGTK. Mandatory screenshot is here:

The plugin should be useable on any GTK or Gnome build. It is not yet
available for other platforms (windows, macintosh, etc).

To use it, you will need to:
        1. Install the Aiksaurus Core Library (
        2. Install the AiksaurusGTK Library (
        3. Build the Plugin. (abiword-plugins/tools/aiksaurus)

I was having some real problems using the abiword-plugins build system, and
so I've added a simple makefile. It ought to work if you're on Linux and
have installed Aiksaurus to /usr/lib. To use it, just go to


And run "make". It'll just create the .so in that directory, so you'll have
to move it yourself. I don't know what the deal is with the other build
system. Maybe we can get that working? I'm usually in IRC if someone wants
to work on it with me.

Anyway, I'm excited about it. It looks nice, I think, and seems to work
nicely too.


Love all, serve all.

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