Compiling with ABI_OPT_GNOMEVFS=0 fails

Subject: Compiling with ABI_OPT_GNOMEVFS=0 fails
From: Adrian Phillips (
Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 06:39:48 CST

Is GnomeVFS required for Gnome build now ?

make[5]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/abiword/abi/src/af/xap/unix/gnome'
Building with [LicensedTrademarks:Off Debug:On BiDi:Off Bonobo:Off Gnome:On LibXML:Off Pspell:Off Scripting:Off].
xap_UnixGnomeFrame.cpp:47: libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs.h: No such file or directory
xap_UnixGnomeFrame.cpp: In function `static void XAP_UnixGnomeFrame::_dnd_drop_event(GtkWidget *, GdkDragContext

ii gnome-vfs-extfs 1.0.3-7 The GNOME virtual file-system extra fs scripts for GMC.
ii gstreamer-gnomevfs 0.2.1-4 Gnome VFS plugin for GStreamer
ii libgnome-vfs-common 1.0.3-7 The GNOME virtual file-system libraries common files
ii libgnome-vfs-dev 1.0.3-7 Libraries and include files for developing GNOME VFS applica
ii libgnome-vfs0 1.0.3-7 The GNOME virtual file-system libraries
ii libgnomevfs2-0 1.9.4-1 The GNOME virtual file-system libraries (for GNOME2)
ii libgnomevfs2-common 1.9.3-3 The GNOME virtual file-system library common files (for GNOM
ii libgnomevfs2-dev 1.9.4-1 The GNOME virtual file-system development files (for GNOME2)

Debian installs the include files in versioned directories :-

adrian@grannyogg:abi 544 $ ls -la /usr/include/gnome
gnome-1.0 gnome-vfs-2.0 gnome-xml
gnome-vfs-1.0 gnome-vfs-module-2.0 gnome.h


Adrian Phillips

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