Re: [patch] xhtml fixes

Subject: Re: [patch] xhtml fixes
From: Adrian Phillips (
Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 06:54:56 CST

>>>>> "John" == John L Clark <> writes:

John> Hey guys, The attached patch should clear up all outstanding
John> xhtml bugs (as listed in bugzilla) with the exception of
John> 2289, which I feel is a non-bug. Let me know if you have
John> any problems with the changes made by this patch. Unless
John> someone has more pressing work for me, I will be attempting
John> to get round tripped html working.

This patch on top Dom's changes to add width/height make PNG images
(at least) in Mozilla and Netscape look rather appalling because the
size has been changed (ie_exp_HTML.cpp).

Removing the conversion to points gives me :-

   width="4.85in" height="4.91in"

which is as per .abw file. With the patch I get :-

  width="349" height="353"

Imagemagick gives 485x491.

Umm, looking at UT_convertToPoints I'm rather confused where the
problem lies. 4.85in => 485 points it seems, or is the 4.85in in the
.abw incorrect and that should be points ? (Hand changing 349/353 to
485/491 in the .html makes the diagram look normal again).

Anyway, I'd just like to thank everyone who is hacking away, all the
small odds and ends problems I've been noticing over the last few
weeks are disappearing fast.


Adrian Phillips

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