Galician translation 100% upgraded?

Subject: Galician translation 100% upgraded?
From: Ramón Flores (
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 07:05:49 CST


        Thanks for your answers. Using I have
completed the galician string file. At least to
version 0.9.6. In an attachment I send the upgraded

        Nevertheless there are some messages that are not
translated. For example one that appears when abiword
is launched:

WARNING: Your current font path ...

Is it possible to translate this?. How?

Rui wrote:

> 1) yes, shouldn't galician locale be es_GL instead
> gl_ES? because there's pt_PT and pt_BR, so likewise,
> there is es_ES and I'd say es_GL, es_MX, etc, right?
> [ little political humurous side note: or, if you'd
> rater, pt_GL ;)] isn't the format: language_DIALECT

I think that is language_COUNTRY. For example in
Portugal there are several dialects, not only one.
(See as example
). From a scientific point of view this is not very
correct, but this is the way it is.

Anyway there is a gl-ES locale, and a lot of packages
translated under this locale. Moreover, the previous
galician translation of abiword used this locale.


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