bidi gui string problem

Subject: bidi gui string problem
From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 16:48:02 CST

I have just been looking at the picture attached to bug 2535 and it
really puzzles me -- it would appear that the problem affects only
the XAP strings (the title bar, the font dialogue) but not the AP
strings (e.g. the menus). I really do not understand why this should
be, since the XAP strings and the AP strings are processed
exactly the same way.

Ok, I see why now; XAP_DiskStringSet::loadStringsFromDisk calls
XAP_DiskStringSet::getValue, it should only call getValue; I will
"fix" this tomorow, but the result will be that all accented
characters will get translated to ?; the main problem remains and it
has to do with XAP_EncodingManager::nativeToU and UToNative.


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