Re: Using of system-wide ispell dictionaries

From: Paul Rohr (
Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 12:41:09 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Nordell: "Re: DELETEP, FREEP, and friends"

    At 05:02 PM 6/3/02 +0100, Alan Horkan wrote:
    >I thought eventual migration to pspell/aspell was planned instead? (but
    >that it was held back by portability issues)

    Yep. The two advantages ispell has had to date are:

      - the portability work has already been done
      - existing dictionaries for many many languages

    Unfortunately, those both still seem to be biggies. From your description,
    it sounds like the OpenOffice folks are trying to address both problems.
    They may still have a ways to go before their codebase(s) and dictionary
    collection(s) mature sufficiently, but the fact that they're trying is
    wonderful news. Please keep us posted on their success going forward.

    For all that I keep explaining how to keep improving our ispell support, I'd
    have no objections to switching to a more robust solution, once ispell's
    significant existing advantages have been overcome.


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