Xft front status -- WANTED: win & postscript hackers

From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (cuenca@pacaterie.u-psud.fr)
Date: Sun Jun 09 2002 - 09:51:21 EDT

  • Next message: Olexij Tkatchenko: "Ukrainian translation"

    I've got Insert Symbol to work.

    I've changed it to display all the font glyphs, and then to transform
    from each glyph index to unicode point (to insert it in the document).

    Putting the drawing area of the insert symbol in a scrolled window to be
    able to see all the glyphs in the font is left as an exercise to the

    I've only done the unix side of things, but the xp function that I've
    done has been modeled after the windows function to get the coverage of
    a font, so it should be easier to do in Windows, *but*
    GetFontUnicodeRanges (which I guess it's the function that we should use
    in windows) is only available in >Windows 98. What can we use in
    windows 95??

    So at this point the Xft version of AbiWord has the same functionalities
    (and almost the same flaws, except for the insert symbol dialog, which
    is better in the Xft version).

    I then switched to the print stuff. The goal: be able to print without
    having to generate afm files from the ttf files.

    I've done it, fixing at the same time things that look as bugs to my
    eyes (why are we using the bounding box top point as ascender instead of
    the character ascender?), but I'm still having some problems.

    I can not really compare the results with the old version of abiword,
    because the old version that I have is a gnome version, which uses
    gnome-print to generate the postscript file, and ghostscript it's saying
    that the gnome-print postscript file is boggus.

    At http://www.ie2.u-psud.fr/~cuenca/abi_ggv.png you can see and sshot of
    a trivial AbiWord file, and what ggv renders. As you can see it don't
    renders right the italic nor the underlined parts.

    Can anybody says me if it worked on a older version of AbiWord (using
    truetype fonts)?

    I'm only hacked the "non-embed fonts" part. I still have to do the
    embed fonts part.

    Btw, if somebody has a reference to the postscript language, I will be


    Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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