Commit: update ispell dictionary mapping

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 15:58:09 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Wilhelm: "Patch: 3618"

    I've updated this so that it's closer to the new language list. 65
    languages are currently supported, or ~43% of our total count (153, not
    counting the "-none-" and duplicate entries). A lot of the missing
    languages are leser-known and "exotic" to this American.

    If we found an Arabic dictionary, we could support 16 more language
    tags. If we found a Chinese one, we'd get 5 more. Chinese, Japanese,
    Korean, Hindi, Arabic are the 5 most notably missing languages.

    This percentage might look bad at first count, but it covers just about
    every dictionary that ispell has and represents the primary languages
    spoken by about 2.0 billion people, and these people represent the bulk
    of our current user-base. Not bad, IMO. We'll get it better in the
    future (if we get those other 5 dictionaries -should they exist- we're
    up to about 4.0 billion. All numbers are rough "ballpark" estimates).

    Tracking down these missing dictionaries would be a great Project Of The
    Week (POW).

    Andrew, if you're happy with the work done so far, please close your bug
    or update it appropriately to reflect the work that still needs to be


    Dom Lachowicz <>

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