Re: patch -- Xft stuff

From: Joaquin Cuenca Abela (
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 08:23:10 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Commit: Re: Commit: update ispell dictionary mapping"

    --- phearbear <> wrote:
    > Joaquin Cuenca Abela wrote:
    > >--- phearbear <> wrote:
    > >
    > I understand that that the xft stuff is going to be
    > in STABLE, but stuff
    > like the Insert dialog and the layout code fixes
    > (??) should really be
    > against HEAD.

    agreed for the insert dialog stuff.

    IMO the layout code fixes are small enough to be
    integrated in both HEAD and STABLE.

    > Would be appriciated if it was broken up in several
    > patches atleast.
    > Mega patches are.. uhm.. ugly.

    yes, but the 5 minutes that takes my cvs copy to sync
    (when it works at all) through the bouncer is
    preventing me to do it in a "nicer" way.

    Almost none of these "fixes" are a must if you don't
    use AA (the layout changes) or easily done without
    having more information about the font than what we
    have now (we can still do the insert dialog changes
    having big encoding tables to cover the "most-known"
    encodings, but the code will be different enough to be
    an easy change).

    The exception is the printer code. The current
    situation is too complex for the users. It's so
    complex, that they consider the current situation to
    be a bug. It would be good to split the printer code,
    review it without Xft, and commit it.

    If someone want to split my patch and commit the
    layout fixes part and the printer part, be my guess.
    But by now I don't have enough time to do it with the
    current state of my cvs connection.


    Joaquin Cuenca Abela

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