Bug state-flow changed

From: Jesper Skov (jskov@zoftcorp.dk)
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 18:24:30 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Nordell: "Re: Bug state-flow changed"

    It appears that the new BugZilla allows to open Bugs in the NEW state
    (and defaults to do that), so we can avoid the vague overlapping
    UNCONFIRMED+NEW states and just make do with the NEW state.

    So the state-flow of a Bug now is:

    possibly going back to REOPENED if the problem persists.

    Note that we don't use the CLOSED state.

    Only developers can make the ASSIGNED->RESOLVED transition. Users are
    asked to help make the others, according to the bugtracking/triaging
    instructions. Please see these at


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