From: Alan Horkan (
Date: Mon Jun 24 2002 - 12:19:12 EDT

  • Next message: Joaquín Cuenca Abela: "Re: free range UNICODE / vertical rendering"

    > Hello!
    > Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I have been using Abi Word for the past while, and I love it!
    > I have it on my freeware page at;

    For the developers the article (paragraph) is here

    I really like when web pages use the tag <a name="blah"> so that i can
    link to the specific part of the page (i checked the source). I hope you
    will consider adding these to your site (and maybe the LINK tag too).

    > Please let me know if there are any upgrades, or new releases pending.

    There is an abiword announce list you might subscribe to.

    There are various plugins for abiword that you should take a look at
    notabley including a Thesuarus (Aiksaurus).

    A stripped down Abiword can be crammed on a floppy disk
    I will explain how if you like. (I had vague notions that it could be
    included prepacked on the downloads page but never followed up on it).

    As some one who has tried various free offic suites perhaps you can make
    some suggested improvements? If you are not already familiar with the
    current plans of abiword and the exisiting requests you might want to take a quick
    look at bugzilla (and maybe the top 10 bugs & features as listed in
    the Abiword Weekly News) or maybe just mail me your suggestions and i can
    pass on the orignal ones.

    You mention that TextShield has built in compression. So does abiword,
    just save as Gzipped Abiword (.gz). Gzip give much better compression
    that Zip for text files.

    I hope you will take the time to use Abiword more and expand your
    description to include more of its features.


    Alan Horkan

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Mon Jun 24 2002 - 12:22:13 EDT