Re:libpng on windows

From: Kenneth J.Davis (
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 13:08:20 EDT

  • Next message: Joaquín Cuenca Abela: "Xft vs. old font stuff"

    Joaquin Cuenca Abela <> wrote on 6/27/2002 4:09:55 AM:
    >that (I don't have cvs connection from here).
    >If I was a bit less lazy, I will download it from
    >somewhere else, but I'm still wondering why it's not
    >Joaquin Cuenca Abela

    You can also get most of the modules as tarballs (updated nightly)
    from my site
    For Windows you will probably want to extract them with a tool
    [eg Winzip] that can add carriage returns, as no LF-->CRLF is done
    to them. It currently only provides source for the head branch,
    but its still a good place for non-branched source like libpng
    when you don't have or wish to use cvs but still want a fairly
    uptodate tarball.

    Jeremy Davis

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