Xft vs. old font stuff

From: Joaquín Cuenca Abela (cuenca@pacaterie.u-psud.fr)
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 13:40:22 EDT

  • Next message: Kenneth J.Davis: "Re:Win32: WS2 dependency?"


    I've fixed the problem with Type 1 fonts. Now everything is working
    fine and dandy except a pesky bug. Some fonts report a family name with
    a '-' inside, and when I try to store it in an xlfd string, well... you
    can guess what happens :)

    Besides from that, the only problem remaining is that we assume the user
    has Times New Roman, but if the user don't has that font, it fallbacks
    to another font, but it still thinks that the name of the font is Times
    New Roman. So you end with the GUI saying that you're using Times New
    Roman, when you're using something else (we already do that in the 1.0.x
    code, but faking the font itself. We say that we're using Times New
    Roman when we're using Nimbus Roman instead.

    Now I have a question to you all. I want to start removing the old font
    code (I mean, deleting it). By now I've just be commenting the new code
    between #ifdef USE_XFT, but I would like to do some more radical changes
    to XAP_UnixFontManager (to solve the first problem that I've exposed),
    and it will be faster if I delete the old code instead of leave it
    working. Would anybody disagree if I do that?

    If you disagree, speak now! (it means that the use of Xft will not be an
    option anymore, but the only possible option)


    Joaquín Cuenca Abela

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