Re: on why we can't use link, the grammar checker

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu Mar 07 2002 - 15:02:39 GMT

  • Next message: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra: "Re: on why we can't use link, the grammar checker"

    Hi Rui,

    This is my point - I can link GPL AbiWord with non-GPL Link *without*
    modifying Link's license if I use it via a plugin. I've modified the
    plugin's copyright from GPL -> GPL + Exception

    From my understanding, this does *NOT* require the whole of AbiWord to
    be released under GPL + Exception.

    1) The plugin is a dynamically loadable module and separate from AbiWord
    as a whole
    2) The plugin is released under a GPL-compatible license (GPL +
    exception), so AbiWord's GPL code can call the plugin and the plugin can
    call AbiWord's GPL code
    3) Therefore AbiWord can load this plugin, legally

    This does *not* affect the copyright on existing AbiWord code at all. I
    am the sole copyright holder on the plugin, therefore I have complete
    authority to change the license as I see fit.

    I do *not* use code copyrighted under the GPL by other people in my
    plugin code. I *do* call APIs that are licensed under the GPL, but I do
    not believe that is a use of other "GPL-covered programs by other
    authors in my code" - it's a public API call into what I'm deeming a
    "system library".

    If these actions are not sufficient for you, I may choose to relicense
    my plugin code under some other GPL-compatible license which does not
    have this absurd bigotry about linking against non-free libraries.

    Of course, it would be best *for our purposes* if Link was able to
    relicense their code under some GPL-compatible license.


    Exception clause follows:


    In addition, as a special exception I, Dom Lachowicz (author
    of this plugin) give permission to link the code of this program with
    the Link Grammar Checking library ("Link") or with modified versions
    of "Link" that use the same license as "Link", and distribute linked
    combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public
    License in all respects for all of the code used other than "Link".
    If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version
    of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to
    do so, delete this exception statement from your version.

    Disclaimer for Link sources

    This module/plugin uses the Link Grammar checker, by Davy Temperley,
    Daniel Sleator, John Lafferty, and (potentially) others. Link can be
    found at

    As for license (in)compatibilities, according to the Link webpage:
    "Everybody is welcome to take the system and work with it.
    If you would like to use it in a commercial product or service, please
    contact us."

    AbiWord as a whole is not a commercial application. This plugin in
    specific is not a commercial application, nor will it become one (or
    part of one).

    In any event, Link's license can be found (along with contact
    information) at:



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