Package alternatives (and long explanation)

From: Blue Lizard (
Date: Sun Mar 17 2002 - 07:56:26 GMT

  • Next message: Blue Lizard: "Re: Candidate release notes for 0.99.3"

    As with 0992 I will be uploading untested slps and tgzs to savannah.
    The rest of this letter is optional, and could be hazardous to your
    I am more unfamiliar with stampede each passing day, and the tgzs were
    designed for older versions of slack, not current. Those are the extent
    of my knowledge of incompats (I have a slacker that will test the tgzs
    for me though).
    Unlike 0992 I will also be making debs (see below for why). Two sets,
    in fact, each with its own set of problems.

    Set 1: Generated by alien, for no apparent reason, seeing as it would be
    easier and more productive to do it by hand. These are safer (less
    harmless incompatibilities) than set 2. These I will upload.
      Things to look out for: Font problems. Some harmless, some not so
      Incompatibilities: Not made for debian :-). What do you expect?
      Bugs: Alien is speedy but dumb when it converts files (except lsb of
    course). I am not the root of all, or even the root of all evil.
    Additionally, the changelog is not true as well.

    Set 2: I personally included some debian specifics, as well as some of
    mhatta's. These in general should work, some dont, some of mhatta's
    were left out due to <deleted suicidal bait, it's all gravy since you
    can just ignore these packages>. Fix some of the incompats with
    abiword, but piss off the debian package management system (which I
    still haven't quite figured out). This is still a WIP, as I decide what
    gets (un)commented within the .deb pkg crud used by dpkg. Available
    upon request to test if I get around to building it (this machine aint
    no hercules).
            Look out for: font errors again.
            Bugs: Well, following the layout exhibited by the rpm selection instead
    of that by the pool selection made some problems, but I commented them
    out :). Should be nothing [big].

    1) mhatta, while a great package maintainer, does things differently.
    This is just an alternative.
    2) Debian's pool excludes some stuff available here.
    3) To make it easier for non-developers (possibly even an
    almost-end-user) to track down bugs.
    4) Debian's pool has cvs versions (which I find cool), these stick with

    and a couple minor others.

    The ones I will upload I will upload hopefully tomorrow (which is
    actually today) or as soon as I meet up with rui or one of the SF
    dieties (if they want them too).

    abiword-gnome-0.99.3.dyn.i386.(tgz,slp,deb) -- Sorry, no static.
    abiword-gnome-bidi-0.99.3.dyn.i386.(tgz,slp,deb) -- Same deal on
    static. If you want bidi, gtk-bidi wont work for me so this is it.
    abiword-gtk-0.99.3.dynstat.i386.(tgz,slp,deb) -- Contains AbiWord_d and
    AbiWord_s. Live with it, I'm excessive but I don't feel like flooding
    the server with 3 more packages (hehe).
    abiword-(fonts,clipart)-0.99.3.(tgz,slp,deb) -- As far as I know,
    nothing archdep or linked.
    abiword-plugin-(aik,babel,bz2,freetrans,gdk,urldict,wiki)-0.99.3.dyn.i386.(tgz,slp,deb) -- eep! so many missing. I'll let a few appear upstream, then look for ones like gdict. Also, regardless of it being a given, plugins are dynamic. If someone wants to change that, hehe, go right ahead.

    And of course the ever-outdated (AFAIK) help-fr and help-es packages.

    If anyone wishes to contribute ia64,sparc,68k,ppc,etc (*chuckle*) go
    right ahead. I will be glad to convert for diff distros (no-can-test).

    I may sometime get around to resurrecting certain portions of the
    pkg/linux/Makefile, and possibly do some cleanups for lintian (deb).

    -MG (reeling at a rediculously long and should-be-unnecessary

    -- - Open source, shmopen source.

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