Re: Importing text as paragraphs.

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 20:49:03 EST

  • Next message: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra: "Re: Importing text as paragraphs."

    On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Philippe DEFERT wrote:

    > When you open a text file in abiword, it always takes it line by line,
    > i.e. it adds an end of line at each LF. When you write a text in emacs
    > there is an automatic wrapping to 72 columns and this inserts a LF. I
    > saw in lyx a very nice feature when you import a text file, you can
    > choose to get it line by line i.e each LF is an EOL or you can do the
    > same paragraph by paragraph i.e. each 2 lines separated by 1 LF are
    > joined, as soon that you have a blank line which is equivalent to 2
    > consecutive LF, a EOL is added to make a "paragraph". This is called in
    > the lyx jargon "import text as lines" or "import text as paragraphs"
    > Is there the same feature in abiword ? If so, where can I find it, if it
    > does not exist I think it could be simple to implement though very very
    > useful in UNIX. I am not enough into abiword's code to do it myself...

    No abiword does not do this and I have exactly the same problem. I'm not
    this is the best way to fix it. Maybe just two <LF><LF> to be a paragraph

    It is easy to implement this. I might do it.



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