Re: Importing text as paragraphs.

From: Andrew Dunbar (
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 09:11:45 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: Styles and Shortcut Keys"

     --- Philippe DEFERT <> wrote:
    > When you open a text file in abiword, it always
    > takes it line by line,
    > i.e. it adds an end of line at each LF. When you
    > write a text in emacs
    > there is an automatic wrapping to 72 columns and
    > this inserts a LF. I
    > saw in lyx a very nice feature when you import a
    > text file, you can
    > choose to get it line by line i.e each LF is an EOL
    > or you can do the
    > same paragraph by paragraph i.e. each 2 lines
    > separated by 1 LF are
    > joined, as soon that you have a blank line which is
    > equivalent to 2
    > consecutive LF, a EOL is added to make a
    > "paragraph". This is called in
    > the lyx jargon "import text as lines" or "import
    > text as paragraphs"
    > Is there the same feature in abiword ? If so, where
    > can I find it, if it
    > does not exist I think it could be simple to
    > implement though very very
    > useful in UNIX. I am not enough into abiword's code
    > to do it myself...
    > Amicalement.
    > Philippe.

    Hi Philippe. I did a lot of the work on the text
    import/export and have thought about this a lot even
    this week. If we import in this way we probably also
    need to output this way. Most "plain text" files that
    I see seem to have "hard" line breaks whereas WP docs
    seem to rely on word wrapping. Adding hard line
    breaks on export would certainly need a dialog or a
    prefs setting on which column to put the breaks.
    we also have already a "human-readable" plain text
    exporter I often wonder if this is the place for such
    code and its counterpart, "human-readable" importer
    would need to be created. This makes me wonder if a
    better name for such importer/exporters would be
    Another to keep in mind is that WPs have both the
    concept of a paragraph and a line break. Think <p>,
    </p>, and <br/> in HTML. Unicode also has characters
    for both and MacOSX seems to reccommend using them.
    In MSWord a paragraph is created with the return key
    and a link break is created with shift-enter. I'm not
    sure that Abi already supports both but it probably
    does. We probably need to think about all these and
    see what OSX actually does in the real world.

    A feature request at is
    a good place to put ideas.

    Andrew Dunbar.


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