Insert Hyperlink and Keybindings

From: Alan Horkan (
Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 14:54:39 EST

  • Next message: Robert Wilhelm: "Patch for 2633"

    Shock horror, the other day I was actually using AbiWord, eating dogfood
    as it were. It is a rare occassion when i actually have need to do word
    processing rather than text editing.
    I was adding lots of Hyperlinks and really wished i had a keybinding for
    (I was writting up instructions how to convert Abiword documents to
    Postscript then PDF. I will add a unix section if provided with the
    necessary information. I hope to put it on my website today/tomorrow.)

    Add shortcut for Hyperlink Ctrl + L would be the same as Mozilla composer
    but Ctrl+L is already taken for Left Justifing a Paragraph, which is far
    to standard to change.

    MSWord 97 uses Ctrl+K for Insert Hyperlink.
    MSWord 97 does not seem to have a keybinding for Strikethrough (crappy
    Abiword already uses Ctrl+K for strikethrough.
    I recommend we change strikethrough to something else and use Ctrl+K for

    Unforunately Ctrl+K conflicts with the Gnome Usability guidelines, but we
    should follow the defacto standard. Something has to give somewhere.

    So does anyone have a better idea what keybinding to use for Insert
    Hyperlink? And what keybinding if any should we use for strikethrough?

    Also the cursor should be in the text box automatically, in Windows I have
    to click to put the cursor there which is a totally unnecessary extra step
    which is not good if you are doing a repeatative task.

    This problem also made me realise how many keybindings Word actually has
    (loads) and Abiword there are a lot of useful keybings Abiword should
    have. I will probably file an RFE recommending a full audit of the
    Keybindings for 1.2

    Alan Horkan

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