Re: AbiWord Weekly News #117 (2002, week 45) released

From: ericzen (
Date: Mon Nov 11 2002 - 09:26:59 EST

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "Re: Re-drawing a document after changes"

    On 2002.11.11 03:37 Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
    > Eric,
    > This is not the most adequate word. Could you please change it to:
    > TIA, rui

    Proprietarius is an adjunctive term: proprius, one's own, proprietario(us), one's exclusive own. GPL doesn't cover post-format (product of a GPL product), as a result, the format used can accurately account as copyright (unless the dtd is marked gpl, then it's copyleft, which still maintains right of source/creator). Whether or not "proprietary" is accurate has already spent years in debate (from gimp and xdisplay/display LISP(image magick). Proprietary is the correct term, despite the Jargon file's (or your own) connotative definition. If GNUists can concur that "proprietary" is the correct term, I wouldn't have thought it to be that much of a problem. However, as these are the third and fourth remarks on the subject, I will include a footnote.

    I may have been tired, but I didn't swap my lexicon for magic beans,

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