DTD in gz file format

From: danglassey@ntlworld.com
Date: Fri Nov 22 2002 - 16:49:44 EST

  • Next message: danglassey@ntlworld.com: "win-AbiWord and Keyman - keyboard handling"

    Hi guys,
    I'm at a conference here at the moment and one of the sessions just now was on 'Open Source Alternatives for the desktop'. Mozilla and OpenOffice.org were the main focus but AbiWord was mentioned as well. :)

    Anyway, the one complaint the guy had was in comparing the file formats. MSWord - bleugh, binary. AbiWord - xml, nice but no dtd. OOo - zipped xml - nice, has dtd as well.

    Once we have a dtd that actually applies to the current state of the abi file format, might it be an idea to include the dtd somehow in the gzipped or bzipped versions of the format. If I can find the guy I'll maybe ask him what in particualar he'd want it for, but just offhand what do you think?


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