XAP_Draw_Symbol font leak

From: Mike Nordell (tamlin@algonet.se)
Date: Sat Nov 23 2002 - 07:18:45 EST

  • Next message: j.m.maurer: "Commit (HEAD): left click selects image"

    Missing: One GR_Font object. About 1/6" tall. Black. Last seen heading for

    It seems soneone had the right intention of giving XAP_Draw_Symbol an
    m_pFont member variable to be able to delete the font once it's done with
    it. However, and this got me a good chuckle, in XAP_Draw_Symbol::setFontToGC
    this variable is completely unused. Instead this function introduces its own
    local GR_Font pointer, just dropping the newly created font on the floor
    after handing it over the the GR_Graphics object.

    Could someone that knows this code have a look at it, and see if it isn't
    really the m_pFont that is to be used inside setFontToGC?

    Thank you for your cooperation. You are helping AbiWord to become a less
    painful debugging experience. :-)


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