Commit: 2 new important methods added to XAP_StringSet

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 13:37:03 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "POW: convert aiksaurus to GTK+2"

    This work should be valuable to both the GTK+ and QNX ports, and
    probably others still. All strings files now have an additional
    'encoding' attribute in the <AbiStrings> section. If not specified, it
    assumes that the strings are in UTF-8. Two new useful methods are:

    UT_String getValue(id, encoding)
    UT_String getValueUTF8(id)

    getValueUTF8() is seriously under-optimized right now, as it always
    calls getValue(id, "UTF-8") instead of caching an iconv
    descriptor(getEncoding(), "UTF-8"). This will be worked on in the
    future. The getValue() call that we currently use is and will remain
    unchanged, so things should still work ok on win32, qnx, and gtk+.

    GTK+2 requires that all text-related widgets accept only UTF-8 strings
    and export UTF-8. So this means that I'll have to change all
    pSS->getValue() calls in the GTK+ frontend to pSS->getValueUTF8(). I'll
    also have to properly encode our outputs from GTK+ to UCS4 in certain
    circumstances. IIRC, QNX has similar requirements to GTK+2.

    All .strings files in CVS have been updated to include the "encoding"


    CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: src/af/xap/xp/xap_Strings.cpp src/af/xap/xp/xap_Strings.h
    CVS: src/wp/ap/unix/ap_UnixDialog_MetaData.cpp
    CVS: user/wp/strings/am-ET.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/art-lojban.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/bg-BG.strings user/wp/strings/ca-ES.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/cs-CZ.strings user/wp/strings/cy-GB.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/da-DK.strings user/wp/strings/de-CH.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/de-DE.strings user/wp/strings/el-GR.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/en-AU.strings user/wp/strings/en-GB.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/en-IE.strings user/wp/strings/es-ES.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/eu-ES.strings user/wp/strings/fi-FI.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/fr-FR.strings user/wp/strings/ga-IE.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/gl-ES.strings user/wp/strings/hu-HU.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/id-ID.strings user/wp/strings/it-IT.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/ja-JP.strings user/wp/strings/lt-LT.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/mh-MH.strings user/wp/strings/nb-NO.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/nl-NL.strings user/wp/strings/nn-NO.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/pl-PL.strings user/wp/strings/pt-BR.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/pt-PT.strings user/wp/strings/ro-RO.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/ru-RU.strings user/wp/strings/sk-SK.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/sl-SI.strings user/wp/strings/sv-SE.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/tr-TR.strings user/wp/strings/uk-UA.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/zh-CN.strings user/wp/strings/zh-HK.strings
    CVS: user/wp/strings/zh-TW.strings

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Wed Sep 04 2002 - 13:38:42 EDT