POW: convert aiksaurus to GTK+2

From: Dom Lachowicz (doml@appligent.com)
Date: Wed Sep 04 2002 - 13:52:07 EDT

  • Next message: Rui Miguel Silva Seabra: "Re: Commit: 2 new important methods added to XAP_StringSet"

    Hi folks,

    This would be a great project for anyone who is interested in hacking
    AbiWord, GTK+2, AikSaurus, or just free software in general. There are
    several small parts to this POW, but it's pretty low-lying fruit and
    would be great for a newbie. These parts must be done sequentially.

    1) Update aiksaurus's configure checks for GTK2. AbiWord's configure
    scripts and ac-helpers have this code already, so hopefully it's a
    cut&paste job. We have some auto* gurus and helpful folks on IRC if you
    need help.

    2) Update aiksaurus's GTK+ dialog to use GTK+2 widgets and functions.
    This will probably not be too difficult, but I will shut my mouth lest I
    use it to shoot myself in the foot. Mostly, this should be:
    a) Use g_signal_connect instead of gtk_signal_connect
    b) Use a GtkDialog instead of a GtkWindow

    3) If necessary, update AbiWord's plugin
    (abiword-plugins/tools/aiksaurus) to work with any changes made in #2.

    That should be all, I think. If you want, you can email me for help, or
    even better - stop bye on IRC so we can work in real-time:

    Thanks and good luck,
    Dom Lachowicz, AbiWord maintainer

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