Bugzilla suggestion

From: Andrew Dunbar (hippietrail@yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 23:00:19 EDT

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "commit: bitmap leak under win32 fixed"

    I just noticed that in Bugzilla there's not a clear
    way to report a bug as relating specifically to one of
    the GTK or Gnome ports.

    We have Platform, OS, and Component fields.
    Platform is mostly about hardware, OS would be Linux
    for either but could be some other Unix.
    Component does have "Front End - GTK" and "Front End -
    Gnome" but this field should really be about the
    area affected by the bug. For instance:

    This was a bug about the Find dialog on the user's
    PC/Linux/GTK system. The report originally had
    "Front End - GTK" as the component which I changed to
    "Find/Replace". I was going set the appropriate field
    to "GTK" when I realized there isn't such a field -
    now I wonder if I did the right thing (:

    Maybe we should change the "OS" field to "OS/Port"
    and add "GTK" and "Gnome" or "Linux/GTK" and
    "Linux/Gnome". I realize GTK and Gnome can be run on
    other Unices but surely this is a little better, no?

    Andrew Dunbar.

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