Spelling code cleanup

From: Andrew Dunbar (hippietrail@yahoo.com)
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 04:31:10 EDT

  • Next message: Andrzej Pruszynski: "pl-PL strings - please commit"

    I've been trying to learn the dark magic that is
    ispell and it's even darker than I had expected.

    Ispell code is difficult enough at the best of times
    but in our case the files seem to have started off in
    the hideous GNU coding style with 3-space tabs and
    But work done since seems to have used various
    combinations and permutations of indentation, tab
    sizes, and general entropy.

    I'm seeking permission to break with any attempt to
    keep these files looking like the GNU code and just
    reformatting it all to match our coding guidelines
    and actually be slightly readable. Is this okay?

    On a related note, are the files
    ispell_checker_mine.cpp and ispell_checker_mine.h
    actually used by anything? Can I remove them or
    rename them to something sensible if there is indeed
    sense behind it all?

    Ta. Andrew.

    http://linguaphile.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/translator.pl http://www.abisource.com

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