I have an announcement to make...

From: Mark Gilbert (webmaster@dofty.zzn.com)
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 04:58:34 EDT

  • Next message: Omer Zak: "Re: commit: Improvements to RTF table export."

    Due to the barage of inquiries from my numerous disciples, I am
    obligated to answer that question which plagues us all

    I would, indeed, stream the sound in VORBIS, via an ueber-hacked version
    of icecast, using double compressed packet headers from a parallel
    broadcast over 82 nodes using a combination of pbs, maui, mosix, pvm,
    mpi, lam, pvfs, gfs, afs, linux-2.5.33, netbsd-1.6, and qnx-6.2 running
    on a soda bottle.

    So, as I sit this yom kippur surrounded by 12 funny looking guys on irc
    eager to eat my flesh and drink my blood, I have naught mehr als this to

                                    HEEEEELP MEEEEE!


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