Re: commit: Improvements to RTF table export.

From: Omer Zak (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 05:15:33 EDT

  • Next message: Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan: "Abiword Malay translation: starting up"

    On 16 Sep 2002, Martin Sevior wrote:

    > WordPad plain-out breaks RTF for lists. It was frankly too much work
    > to code around it's bugginess for me. Feel free to fix it. I can provide
    > pointers. Make sure to not break out current working implementation for
    > non-buggy readers. I think it would have taken me a month to get it
    > right.

    [... lots of bitching about incompatible RTF formats was snipped ...]

    I suggest that AbiWord consider each RTF implementation to be a separate
    file format. In other words, when you ask it to import/export RTF, then
    you have to specify also what other word processor you want it to be
    compatible with. This is not different in principle from supporting all
    those different PCX file formats with different bpp, palette, etc.
    combinations, which the various bitmap manipulation programs do nicely,
    thank you.

                                                 --- Omer

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