number of paragraphs in a document?

From: Seth Delackner (
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 18:00:57 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: number of paragraphs in a document?"

    I know I could find this with a little digging, but in a pd_Document, the
    pt_PieceTable represents the parts of the document. What do I call to
    determine the number of say, paragraphs or for that matter, "often repeated
    regions of a document". Is that PTStruxType?

    What I'm trying to do is generate some (modestly vaguely accurate) progress
    indication output during file import / export since for whatever reason some
    documents take so long to load. Counting the number of paragraph markers
    (ascii 13 (^M)) in an MsWord file seems pretty good.

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