Re[2]: AbiWord@MinGW, Part II

From: Sinitsyn Valentine (
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 15:00:43 EDT

  • Next message: Jesper Skov: "commit - fix 3926 crash"

    mpuea> Hooray! This is a major achievement. Congratulations and thanks very much.
    mpuea> Could we document exactly what is need so that any windows machine can be
    mpuea> used to build abiword?

    mpuea> If it's tricky can we fix things to make it as easy as possible?
    mpuea> If it's easy enough I might even do it :-)

    All changes needed to compile AbiWord in MinGW environment are
    mentioned in my previous letter (subject: "AbiWord@MinGW: compiled
    successfully"). I've patched these files and attached patch to this
    letter (mingw-patch.tar.gz). After applying it, compiling AbiWord on
    Win32 is as simple as typing "cd /path/to/abi; make" :-). There are
    some issues, however:

    I've changed a path to libexpat.a in This affect all
    platforms, not only MinGW and should be treated with caution. It seems
    that expat library always put libexpat.a into .libs directory, but I'm
    not sure.

    'make distribution also works fine and produces setup_abiword.exe, but
    trying to install AbiWord using it causes a CRC error. I consider this
    to be a bug of nsis and not a make system so I haven't fixed it.
    If anyone would explain me what's happening there, I would greatly
    appreciate it. :-)


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