html export meta tags (can I remove them?)

From: Seth Delackner (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2003 - 19:33:37 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: html export meta tags (can I remove them?)"

    The HTML export code, (ie_exp_HTML, not the XHTML filter) puts some metatags in
    the document saying it was generated by AbiWord. Would there be any objection
    (hurt feelings, toes stepped on, etc) if, in the AbiConvert version I don't
    generate those metatags?

    Also, is ie_exp_HTML being worked on these days? It has obvious bugs, but
    there's no sense reporting them if it is being abandoned for the XHTML code.
    One such is the output of an extra '{' at the beginning of the body.

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