cocoa version

From: Benjamin (
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 12:38:29 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Re: cocoa version"

    I'd like to help out with the cocoa version. I just got a an eMac with
    1 GB RAM this last friday and what I've read about objective c and
    cocoa - I am interested in working with it. I couldn't find any word
    processors written for OS X that were fully featured and reasonably

    I know mainly web development languages - html, xhtml, xml, css,
    javascript, and some perl. I have used Linux and open source on Windows
    for web development and graphic design. I got the UNIX Utilities from
    BSD Mall, so I have access to most the development tools although OS X
    already comes with quite a few development tools. I haven't started on
    any major languages as I haven't had a project to work on.

    How should I start - is there a book you would recommend? It is hard to
    read lengthy tutorials online.

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    Ben Huot

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