My public beta, thanks for all the help

From: Seth Delackner (
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 16:03:08 EDT

  • Next message: William Lachance: "libwpd 0.4.0 "the bestest libwpd ever!" and wpd2sxw 0.3.0 released"

    Thanks to the kind assistance of Dom, FJF, and many others
    in helping me create Abiconvert. It is still unfinished,
    but I'm happy to announce that my employer's public beta
    word processor has now been announced, with MsWord
    import/export (and HTML export) provided by the Abiconvert

    If anyone would like to play with Abiconvert, or even help
    me minimize my changes to the AbiWord source tree, check it
    out from the subversion repository at though I must warn you that
    the Makefile is only really guaranteed to run on my machine
    since I haven't a clue how to customize AbiWord's build

    Oh, the product using Abiconvert is Nisus Writer Express
    public beta for OS X. In the coming months I'm really
    hoping to improve AbiWord/Abiconvert's MSWord importer and
    RTF exporter, but for now I'm swamped just dealing with the
    feedback from our beta.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Fri Apr 25 2003 - 16:15:03 EDT