Re: For mingw developers ...[Fwd: Win32 GNOME 2 Patches]

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 13:28:16 EDT

  • Next message: Sinitsyn Valentine: "Re: For mingw developers ...[Fwd: Win32 GNOME 2 Patches]"

    --- wrote:
    > To our mingw developers,
    > I saw this email on a gnome mailing
    > lista little while ago.
    > I was wondering if any of you intrepid hackers could
    > take up the challenge
    > to build Gunmeric (a really good Spreadsheet based
    > on Gnome technologies)
    > on Windows.

    That would truly be an outstanding accomplishment. If
    possible, building it using MSVC or mingw would almost
    certainly be preferable to having a cygwin build
    (which requires an XServer and a lot of other POSIX
    junk that Gnumeric likely does not need). Plus, a
    mingw build will allow the user to use a nice theming
    engine like GTK-Wimp ( which
    very faithfully emulates the Win32/XP theme. Gaim and
    Dia are vertually visually indistinguishable from my
    other WinXP apps.

    The downside to this is that some of Gnumeric's Gnome
    dependencies (AFAIK) haven't yet been built natively
    on Win32. But changes to these dependencies will
    eventually get rolled up into the main distributions,
    making it possible to port even more GTK+2/GNOME2
    applications to the Win32 platform.

    > There are also projects that enable GTK2 based
    > programs to look like
    > native Windows XP applications.
    <pedant> This will only work with a MinGW build or
    MSVC build and not a Cygwin one.</pedant>

    > If we can get Gnumeric compiled on Windows we a huge
    > step closer to having
    > an Office Suite on Windows.

    I couldn't agree more.


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