commit: Windows now requires BMP plugin

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Sun Aug 31 2003 - 03:06:22 EDT

  • Next message: Kenneth J. Davis: "please add or fix cvsquery.cgi for tinderbox"

    updated Makefiles and AbiWord.nsi so that now the BMP plugin
    is built during make distribution and installed along with
    AbiWord.exe during installation. This means one can now generally
    assume (but not always - as AbiWord.exe can still be run on its
    own outside of installation) BMP support is available on the
    Windows build, e.g. for cut-n-paste...

    Note to builders! This means to run make distribution you now
    must also download abiword-plugins tarball (or get it from cvs)
    as well.

    I have updated the build docs to include the new Perl dependency
    for the help docs and that abiword-plugins is no longer optional
    for a full setup build. However, before I commit them, can
    I change the build doc in cvs from being the binary build.zabw
    to a text one, build.abw? or do you really want to keep it as
    a binary document?

    Hopefully the MinGW build does not see the MSVC specific parts
    of the BMP plugin, but I'll be testing that as well while I see
    what's up with the libiconv build.

    Later this week I will try to determine what causes AbiWord to
    fail to load documents occasionally (the same document usually
    loads fine on the 2nd or 3rd try), though I think it is plugin
    related; which may or may not be related to the crash on exit


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