English Language nitpicking ...

From: Alan Horkan (horkana_at_maths.tcd.ie)
Date: Thu Dec 18 2003 - 15:47:49 EST

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "commit: Assign credit for fixes to originator of fix."

    The first things many users will see when they first run Abiword is the
    Release Notes. Specifically the file
    which incidentally has been largely duplicated in the file
    and probably should be merged back together.

    Unfortunately there are lots of red squiggles in this document. Not
    really spelling mistakes but even so it doesn't look very professional.
    (If anyone cares to nitpick my nitpicking I'll willingly explain and
    justify most of my changes but I dont think it is worth going into here).

    Attached is my first patch in ages which fixes, adds spaces and rephrases
    some sentences mostly to avoid some of the pseudo "misspellings".

    Abiword probably needs to expand the custom.dic file to include more words
    to avoid things (trademarks particularly) being marked as misspelled:
    Solaris, website, shareware, distributable, Bugzilla, AbiWord's,
    AbiSource's, AbiSuite's, BeOS, and probably a few others.

    I haven't checked Bugzilla to see if this bug is still open or if it is
    just the windows version of Abiword but links (URLs) are not being
    properly ignored by the spellchecker.

    Thank uwog for telling me to patch it instead of just whinging
    and Merry Christmas.

    -- Alan H.

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