Re: size changes in dialog boxes

From: sam th (
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 17:04:58 EST

  • Next message: Tavis Barr: "gtk+ input method with Bengali"

    On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 02:44:27PM -0500, Raphael Finkel wrote:
    > I get a terrible default gtk+ font for Yiddish, so I override that with a
    > readable one by setting stuff in my .gtkrc-2.0 . But in one dialog box,
    > AbiWord/Unix explicitly sets font size larger, and I get the old ugly font
    > again (which happens to be smaller than my readable one). I would prefer that
    > AbiWord not specify any font-size changes for dialog boxes. I have placed
    > below the relevant patch to avoid this font-size change. If there is a better
    > workaround, I would be glad to hear it.

    This is the incorrect solution. Either you should set your .gtkrc to supply
    different defaults for bold or large fonts, or gtk should respect your new fonts
    for other sizes. Limiting the fonts that applications use is not the correct

    sam th

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