Fwd: Maybe that is worth to appear in AWN [alberto@unex.es]

From: Eric Zen (ericzen@ez-net.com)
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 18:04:15 EST

  • Next message: printf scanf: "My native language called 'kelabit'"

    On 2003.02.12 04:02 Alberto Cabello Sanchez wrote:
    I was googling about good Linux software and I got this one:


    (note abi has five feet, more than my beloved MySQL and GNOME)

    There is also a short comment about Abiword (maybe somebody
    wants to write a more detailed one).

    Par contre, moi, je n'suis pas l'morse.

    Alberto Cabello Sánchez <alberto@unex.es>
    924 289 351 - Servicio de Informática
    Universidad de Extremadura - España - Spain
    i386-slackware-linux-gnu 2.4.20

    ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ <begin EAZ>

    Abi appears more well known than the Kernel and just as beloved (100%) Personally, I think something's wrong when Debian outpaces Both the Kernel and Mandrake by that much....

    Anyhow, I just updated the dev from pre-1.0.4 to 1.1.3, and I'll try to keep both updated as life progresses.

    -Eric <end EAZ>

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