Re: My native language called 'kelabit'

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Thu Feb 13 2003 - 08:41:09 EST

  • Next message: F J Franklin: "commit: abi: enable HTML Options dialog"

    On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 03:56:23 -0800 (PST) printf scanf <> wrote:

    ps> Hi Thanks for that.
    ps> sorry not to inform you that currently my OS is windows 2k. Do you
    ps> have any idea for my to compile it into windows base? if yes what is
    ps> the shell do you use.
    ps> Thanks

    On Windows you have several options:
    There is using cygwin and not using cygwin (see but
    basically it provides a Unix/Linux environment including bash).
    With cygwin installed you can use bash & its cvs and follow previous steps
    below, however I personally use native win32 cvs client and cmd.exe (the
    NT shell, similar but not quite the same as which the previous
    steps map to the following:

    set ABIROOT=\some\suitable\location\abiword
    mkdir %ABIROOT% (assumes command extensions or \some\suitable\location exists)
    cd %ABIROOT%
    cvs login (the password is "anoncvs")
    cvs checkout abi

    [Note: the basic difference is use \ instead of / for local paths,
     use %name% instead $name for environment variables, and use set instead of
    Don't forget to checkout the other cvs modules abidistfiles, nsis, ... (if
    you actually want it to compile).

    ps> Eric Zen <ericzen@EZ-NET.COM> wrote: On 2003.02.12 21:37 printf scanf
    ps> wrote:
    ps> > 2. This statement below run under what shell prompt? dos,4nt, cygwin
    ps> etc and then howto start with this statament?
    ps> > $ export ABIROOT=/some/suitable/location/abiword
    ps> > $ mkdir -p $ABIROOT
    ps> > $ cd $ABIROOT
    ps> > $ export
    ps> > $ cvs login (the password is "anoncvs")
    ps> > $ cvs checkout abi
    ps> This is bash (default on any Linux system). Don't forget to replace
    ps> the "/some/suitable/location/abiword" with the path you would like to
    ps> store the files. Also, type the "cvs login" only and when prompted for
    ps> a password, then type in "anoncvs".

    If you need help with the actual compiling please let me know
    (I can help with MS VC -- 5,6,7 or whatever the apparently free one is,
     but someone else will have to help if you want to use MingW or Cygwin gcc).


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