Isolating the file conversion code

From: Seth Delackner (seth@JTAN.COM)
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 12:51:05 EST

  • Next message: Ramón Flores: "Re: A new version of the galician dictionary"

    First post, so greetings all. I am working on isolating the file conversion
    code in Abiword into a build target that produces just a command-line
    converter. Dom has given me the pointers I needed to get started, but I have
    run into confusion in the build process.

    Since the conversion code is not 100% refactored (it depends on some of the
    display code) I have had to make stub versions of a few files. To get progress
    going, I have been just manually gcc'ing the set of .cpp files that I need.

    It would be preferable to simply add a build target to the Abiword makefile
    system that takes the object files for everything I didn't have to modify and
    makes objects for my stubs and main.cpp.

    I would at this point describe the hacked makefiles I tried to write in
    mimickery of your abi/src/tools/* makefiles, but it didn't work, so I'll just
    ask: How do I add a new executable to the build system? I am quite adept with
    Makefiles, but I have no understanding of Automake and Autoconf.

    Of course, I could just work on refactoring the code to remove the dependencies
    that force me to make stub versions of certain files, but that elegence would
    take time that I don't have.

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