Commit: 4652 (1237, 2157)

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 02:18:27 EST

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "Re: ut_contextGlyph: display code or document code?"

    For all of you unicode and usability buffs out there,
    you'll probably like this.

    If you're using the CVS version of gucharmap with my
    latest patches and don't specify --disable-gucharmap,
    this will automatically build a version of the Insert
    Symbol dialog using gucharmap as its backend instead
    of our lame selector.

    Gucharmap is It will be part
    of the Gnome 2.4 platform.

    This fixes bug 1237 and bug 2157 (and possibly others)
    if it's enabled. Gucharmap isn't Gnome dependant - it
    can be GTK+ only. This only optionally adds this as a
    dependancy for GTK+ and Gnome builds. When Gnome 2.4
    comes out, I'll make this a dependancy for the Gnome
    build. Until then, it's just entirely optional but you
    might find it extremely useful. I'll add the "Search"
    box and some more polish tomorrow after some zzzs.

    If Gucharmap isn't activated, the dialog works
    identically as before.

    Mandatory eye candy:


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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Fri Feb 28 2003 - 02:24:24 EST