Fwd: Better late than never?

From: Hubert Figuiere (hub@nyorp.abisource.com)
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 02:07:20 EST

  • Next message: Robert Staudinger: "Re: abiword with recent Xft"

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    Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 18:21:29 +0000 (GMT)
    From: Alan Horkan <horkana@maths.tcd.ie>
    To: AbiWord Developer Mailing List <abiword-dev@abisource.com>
    Cc: charlottes@dolfijn.nl
    Subject: Better late than never?
    Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.40.0301061807420.9889-100000@stokes.maths.tcd.ie>
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    Reading through the Abiword Weekly News my attention was brought to the
    second question brough up in this post (inteface language differnt from
    current locale)

    You can set the language to be different to that of the current locale by
    editing your Abiword.Profile. (i think it is in a folder called
    "Abisuite", just use the search tool on your user profile/settings to
    find it).
    Read the instructions very very carefully.
    It is really very easy but almost everyone (including me) fails to read
    the instructions properly.

    There is also this bug which is about allowing users to switch between
    profiles which would make it a litte bit easier and save you from needing
    to edit your Abiword.Profile everytime you wanted to change language
    (instead you could simply switch profiles).

    A cursory glance at the FAQ suggests that i never added this to the FAQ.
    i will probably (eventually) add something here about how to set the
    differently to the system locale.


    Alan Horkan

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