Re: [Fwd: Re: equations] Luca Padovani <>

From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Tue Jan 14 2003 - 04:08:29 EST

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    On lun, 2003-01-13 at 21:27, Kenneth Rohde Christiansen wrote:
    > This is not exactly what I mean. In LyX math isnt handled by a
    > component, but instead the word processor has a math mode. Ie. you type
    > Ctrl+m and a small box pops up and you can enter math formulars in it.
    > This makes it very easy to have math between your text.

    This remind me an interesting feature found in Word 5 for Mac (and
    probably still in the other, at least for legacy purpose) that was
    called function mode. It allowed entering basic formulae like sqrt(),
    fraction, etc, inline. You did start with a special key-combo that put a
    .\ then the function.
    For example:
    .\r(.\f(1,2),3) did make (1/2)^1/3 (cubic root of 1/2) properly

    Really useful. This could prevent using a formula editor for lot of
    common cases. It it did not require mouse either...
    That would be interesting to have that in AbiWord... like the LaTeX
    formula. And this would be XP.


    Unemployed AbiWord maintainer - Lille, France - Cell phone: +33 6 18 01 42 11
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