INS, caret colour, etc.

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 05:47:02 EST

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "Re: End Notes."

    OK, I am going to look into making the caret to change colour in
    OVR mode (the colour could be customisable one day). If we want
    to change the width as well to make it look like a block, this would
    really need to be in a fixed ratio to the caret height, for if we adjust
    the width based on character width then in the case of narrow
    characters the caret will be indistinguishable from the INS caret.

    There is an additional problem that is linked to this; the new caret
    code is hardwired to draw black caret; the previous code used the
    xor functions which made it better at coping with dark colour
    backgrounds, and I would prefer to go back to that -- if there was a
    particular reason why the xor functions were not used, could your
    please let me know, before I mess things up?


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