Fwd: Re: Code patches vs. macros vs. plugins (was: Re: Re[2]: INS)

From: Hubert Figuiere (hub@nyorp.abisource.com)
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 06:04:39 EST

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Fwd: Re: Re[2]: INS"

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    Message-ID: <3E2E5F1B.2090205@mail.microbsys.com>
    Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 01:06:35 -0800
    From: "Robert G. Werner" <rwerner@mail.microbsys.com>
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    To: Omer Zak <omerz@actcom.co.il>
    Cc: AbiWord Developers <abiword-dev@abisource.com>
    Subject: Re: Code patches vs. macros vs. plugins (was: Re: Re[2]: INS)
    References: <Pine.GSU.4.30_heb2.09.0301221014310.29840-100000@actcom.co.il>
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    Omer Zak wrote:

    > I agree that this is a big risk of improperly-designed macro/scripting
    > mechanism.
    > I wonder if it is possible to reduce the risk (taking into account human
    > behavior and social engineering issues) by clean separation between
    > documents and scripts. How do we define templates so that they'll be
    > safe (social engineering-wise)?

    I agree with you about separating the "scripting" from the document
    you are creating (In fact, just as I was reading that sentence
    ('reduce the risk ...', I think) I thought well why not have two
    separate files and make the user consciously choose (through a dialog
    or something) to run the 'scripted' part.

    I also like the point about social engineering. If the script is
    separate, then people must make a conscious choice to pass the script
    along with the document. Thus preventing the automatic spread of
    malicious code.

    I think the current infrastructure in Abiword is close to what you are
    proposing. Certainly, we are currently relying on the various
    interpreters being availabel to Abiword (perl, best supported, but
    theoretically, anything that has an Abiword plugin available). Some
    convenience stuff, might be some way to associate a 'script' or
    'macro' with a particular Abiword doc. But then again, just adding
    the two scripts to your email would be easy enough.

    That discussion is probably post 2.0 (Word was up to version 5 IIRC
    befor it got much of a scripting language ;-P).

    Anyway, sounds like you and I agree and as the 'man' said, "There is
    no better test of a man's intellegence than the degree to which he
    agrees with you." Thus, I find you highly intellegent ... ;-)

    Robert G. Werner

    I'd rather push my Harley than ride a rice burner.

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